Floral vessel


This vase is flexible in terms of the number and length of flowers. With non-penetrating holes at the top and bottom, flowers can be arranged on both sides. The design looks like a single-flower vase made of resin kneaded with scallop shells and a bouquet vase made of colorful resin, connected by a delicate gold line. The vase is made of a specially formulated resin that has the texture of ceramic or stone, yet is durable and can be used on a daily basis. The size of the vase is very important when displaying flowers, but depending on the length and quantity of flowers, several different vases must be used. This vase solves this inconvenience by the simple expedient of drilling non-penetrating holes on both sides of the vase.

It is made of a special resin mixed with stone dust and scallop shells. This resin can be glued after molding by the mold. It can also be polished after bonding, resulting in a smooth shape as if it were molded as a single piece from the beginning. The parting rye has gold lines to accentuate the overall product. These lines are applied by hand by craftsmen.
Although it has the texture of stone or ceramic, it is made of resin and is extremely resistant to breakage.
While many vases differ only in appearance and are not differentiated by function, this vase with extended functionality is very unique in the market. 5 color variations, plus bi-colors, make it easy to coordinate with any room decor.
It is also made of resin kneaded from discarded scallop shells, which proves that even waste can be transformed into a beautiful material depending on how it is used. Resin kneaded with scallop shells also has the added benefit of making stains less noticeable.Design pending

EC store  https://kunihiro-stone.com/products/floralvessel